Institute of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

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Internal Regulations

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CHAPTER ONE. Nature and purpose.

Art. 1.- The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria's Institute of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources is constituted in accordance with existing regulations, articles 10 of the LOU and articles 27 to 32 of the Statute of the University of Las Palmas Gran Canaria.

Art. 2.- The institute is established as a centre for research and teaching, and for theoretical and practical specialization in the field of environment and natural resources, which will aim at planning, promoting, carrying out and disseminating research activities in these areas, as well as promoting the training of research personnelor in areas related to multidisciplinary environmental and natural resources studies and management, all without prejudice to similar activities that other ULPGC departments or university institutes may develop.

Art. 3.- These are high school purposes:

  • Promote, organize and plan research goals in the various fields of environment and natural resources.
  • Conduct investigative activities on its own and in collaboration with other public or private entities.
  • Disseminate research and studies, through the publication of works, reports, articles, on their own initiative or in coordination with publishers, magazines, and other media, or through conferences, seminars, colloquies and meetings, both nationally and internationally.
  • Establish permanent relationships with other research institutions and centres that link their activities in the field of environment and natural resources.
  • Transfer and exchanging results and information of the investigative work with other entities, both public and privadas.
  • Establishing relations with companies and public entities in order to promote the technical advice and promote the realisation of projects coordinated for the development of environmental studies and natural resources
  • Fueling the training and upgrading of specialized staff for the teaching and research in these areas.
  • Organize and promote study seminars, doctorate courses and other activities of nature similar, in the areas of research activity, as well as programmes curriculares joint with other universities and Spanish companies and foreign on the indicated issues.
  • Providing an appropriate environment for the recruitment of external resources to help finance the research activity.
  • Attraction of national scientists and foreign recognized standing which will be rooms at the Institute, providing the appropriate technological means for the completion of work in progress, for the initiation of new projects, and for the planning of joint projects with institutions of other countries and with Institutes other and Centers and One hundred of the ULPGC.

Art. 4.- The Institute is created as a own institute of the University of Las Palmas in Gran Canaria, which can promote agreements with other entities both public and private as provided for in the LOU and in the statutes of the University of Las Palmas in Gran Canaria.

Art. 5.- El will be headquartered in the own quarters of the ULPGC, determining the Rectorado, without saying that I can use other clubs or own laboratories or other entities by convention, for the development of their actividades.

CHAPTER TWO. Organization.

Art. 6.- The institute will be constituted by:

  1. Teaching and research personnel, composed of those teachers of the ULPGC, which are attached.
  2. ULPGC teachers and staff, and of other universities and national and international research facilities that have been admitted by the council individually or corporately. The teaching staff of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria must have the authorization of their Department. In case of denial of authorization by the Department or the Council of the institute, the Investigation Commission may be resorted to, which will decide based on the criteria established in art. 35.3, with the approval of the Governing Council.
  3. In the case of teachers and staff outside the ULPGC, they shall not have any employment or other links with the ULPGC, except those strictly derived from the collaboration established.
  4. Temporary scholarship students or graduates.
  5. Administrative staff and services, provided they have the permission of the University management.
  6. Recruited and visiting staff, depending on specific projects, without this being a permanent employment relationship with the university institution.

Art. 7.- In order to better fulfil the tasks of establishing a university institution, it will be organized in Research Divisions and in laboratories of a cross-sectional or functional nature. Each Division is the basic organization and development entity for research and training of research personnel.

Art. 8.- The Divisions will group researchers and fellows integrated into one or more lines of research from the major areas that make up the institute. However, research teams may be formed to temporarily group researchers from different Divisions. Each Division must consist of at least three medical researchers.

Art. 9.- Researchers may be incorporated into the Institute on an individual basis or Research Groups working in the fields covered by the Institute or for other purposes. To do so, an application will have to be submitted stating:

  1. Research lines that contribute
  2. Division to which it is incorporated or proposed new division
  3. Funding obtained in the three years prior to application
  4. Number of members (in the case of Research Groups)
  5. Publications
  6. Recognized research tranches

Art. 10.- In case you apply for membership in an investigation group, it will be done as follows:

  1. If an application is made for incorporation into an existing division, the division shall make a mandatory and binding report on the suitability or otherwise of the application. If the report is positive, the requesting research group will be integrated into the existing research group in the division.
  2. If a new division is requested, the report on the request of each of the existing divisions will be mandatory and binding.
  3. Upon receipt of the pre-requisite reports and if all of them are positive, the Executive Commission will consider the request and, where appropriate, refer it to the Board of the Institute.

The Board of the Institute shall decide, on the basis of the reports, to approve the application by an absolute majority of its members.

Art. 11.-In the case of applications for the incorporation of investigators on an individual basis, it shall be conducted as follows:

  1. Upon receipt of the request, it shall be referred to the relevant division, which shall issue a mandatory and binding report, which shall be approved by two thirds of its members.
  2. If it is positive, the Executive Commission will consider it and, where appropriate, raise the request to the Board of the Institute.
  3. The Board of the Institute shall decide, on the basis of the reports, to approve the application by an absolute majority of its members.

Art. 12.-The dissolution of divisions or the formation of new ones shall be agreed by the Board of the Institute by an absolute majority of its members, on the proposal of the governing bodies or on the initiative of a division.


CHAPTER THREE. Government bodies.

Art. 13.- The governing bodies of the Institute are:

1.- Collocated Organs:

  • Institute Council.
  • The Executive Commission.
  • The Teaching Advisory Commission should the Institute be responsible for official or own qualifications.

2.- Unipersonal organs:

  • The Director.
  • The Secretary.
  • Division Directors
  • The Head of Service
  • Manager-administrator, if applicable.
  • In case the Institute is responsible for official or own qualifications, an academic planning and quality coordinator will be appointed

Art. 14.-The Board of the Institute, is the highest body of representation and decision of the Institute, and shall consist of:

  • The Rector of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, who will chair the Council, being able to delegate to a Vice Rector.
  • The Director.
  • The Secretary
  • The Head of Service
  • A representation of the professors who are members of the Institute, in accordance with Article 6(1) and (2), corresponding to one adviser to each Unit or Division, and the remainder of the representation to a number of research professors consisting of 20 % of the Board members
  • A representative of research fellows related to the Institute
  • A representative of Administrative and Service Staff attached to the Institute.
  • A representation of the Institute's co-sponsoring institutions, which shall in no case represent more than 40 per cent of the Council.
  • In the event that the Institute is responsible for official qualifications, a representative of the students enrolled in them shall be a member of the Council.

Each representative shall be elected from among his or her staff and shall be appointed by the President for a period established by the ULPGC Regulations for each staff.

Art. 15. Duties of the Board of the Institute:

  • Ensure compliance with the general guidelines for action, on the basis of the proposal for the establishment of the Institute and compliance with the conventions for the establishment of associate, mixed and interuniversity institutes.
  • Approving the organizational structure of the Institute and its internal regulations for development and operation.
  • To elect the Director of the Institute, from among the Chairmen and Professors of the Institute.
  • Approving the Institute's Annual Report and Internal Budget.
  • Know and supervise research projects.
  • Propose fees corresponding to researchers, visiting professors, counselors, studies, etc. in accordance with Article 47 of the LOU and the ULPGC Regulations.
  • Approving the appointments of Division Directors.
  • Approving the addition or downgrade of researchers.

Art. 16.- The Board of the Institute shall meet on a regular basis at least once a quarter at the invitation of its President, at the request of the Executive Board or at the request of one third of its members.

Art. 17.-The Executive Commission shall be composed of the following members:

  • The Director of the Institute.
  • The Secretary.
  • Division Directors
  • The Head of Service
  • In the event that the Institute is responsible for official or own qualifications, the Academic Planning and Quality Coordinator will also be part of the executive committee

CHAPTER FOUR. The economic regime.

Art. 29.-

  • The Institute will have its own revenue and expenditure budget, which will be managed by the administration, and will be integrated into the ULPGC budget.
  • The budget of the Institute shall be prepared annually by the Executive Commission and approved by the Council. It will then be integrated into the general budget of the University.
  • Internal budget allocation shall be in accordance with the guidelines incorporated into this Regulation.

Art. 30.- The regular management of the budget is the responsibility of the Director of the Institute, who shall report annually on the budget in accordance with the planning carried out. The Director is also responsible, by delegation of the Rector, for the management of the Institute's payments.

Art. 31.- The financial resources of the institute shall proceed, without priority, from:

  • The subsidy set for each of them in the University budget.
  • The annual grant set by the Centres and Departments with staff at the Institute.
  • The budgetary allocations provided for in the Conventions.
  • Income earned from activities at the Institute.
  • Fees arising from the application of section 83 of the LOU.
  • The benefits that could be derived from the sale of your products, patent exploitation, for technical and other services.
  • Other legal remedies not provided for in this Regulation.

Art. 32.- All donations made to the Institute shall be deemed to be made to the ULPGC even if they are committed to the fulfilment of the purposes of the Institute.

Art. 33.- The Institute may, with its own resources, establish a movable property estate owned by the ULPGC and its administration and development shall be reported to the Board of the Institute and to the Governing Council of the ULPGC. Where appropriate, these resources should be included in an inventory book of the Institute. This heritage, its status and evolution, will be included in the annual report to the Council.

CHAPTER FIVE. Academic regime.

Art. 34.- The Institute may conduct educational activities leading to the provision of master's, doctorate and specialization programmes.

Art. 35.- Such lessons should be closely linked to the Institute's research programmes, without overlapping or interfering with those of the Departments, without prejudice to collaboration.

Art. 36.- The Institute may, however, issue its own curricula under ULPGC, in accordance with article 10.1 of the LOU.

CHATER SIX. Of the Regulations.

Art. 37.-It is up to the ULPGC Governing Council to approve and interpret the Regulation.

Art. 38.- This Regulation may be amended at the request of the Governing Council or the Commission of Inquiry and at the initiative of the Council of the Institute.

Additional Provisions

First additional provision

The following Research Groups are integrated into the University Institute of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources:


Second additional provision

The University Institute of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources absorbs the equipment and infrastructure resources enabled by the Research Groups integrated into it.

Final Provision

The present regulation will enter into force the day after its publication in the BOULPGC.