Recognition to the Dr. María del Carmen Cabrera Santana
The event took place at Finca El Galeón, Santa Brígida, on the occasion of the Celebration of the World Water Day
Participation at 2nd European Sample Preparation e-Conference
Last week, from 14th to 16th March, Dr. Rayco Guedes Alonso, from AQMA, participated at the 2nd European Sample Preparation e-Conference
Election for Institute Director
Final proclamation of candidate for Institute Director
Celebration of I i-UNAT research meeting
Last Thursdayday 17th March, we celebrated the I Research meeting of i-UNAT at the Degree Hall of the Faculty of Sea Science
i-UNAT research meeting
The meeting is going to be celebrated on 17th March and it could be followed in-person or online
"El mercado pesquero de Canarias. Gu�a del consumidor de pescado"� is the title of the book coordinated by Jos� A. Gonz�lez
Other researchers from i-UNAT, Sea Science School and the Aula de Ciencia y Gastronomía del Hub GastroFood from ULPGC have collaborated at the publication
Conference Are personal care products a source of environmental pollution? The case of sunscreens
It was given by the Dr. D. José Juan Santana Rodríguez, Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Job offer
It is posted a job offer to hire Researcher Staff